Our Local Parent Club Leadership
Parental involvement and participation is essential to fulfilling our mission statement. Our Parent Club began in June 2020 with a goal of supporting Midshipmen and their families throughout West Virginia. West Virginia currently has 29 Midshipman enrolled at the Academy (2021-2022 academic year).
The Club is registered with the West Virginia Secretary of State’s Office and files appropriate reports. The current officers will hold office from January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022.
Club meetings are open to all members and held a minimum of three times per year, but generally more often than that and by Zoom.
West Virginia Parent Club 2022 Board of Directors:
- Advisory Board Member, Jason Foster (USNA ’98)
- President, Erika Bailey
- Vice President, John Reasbeck
- Treasurer, Brian Stover
- Secretary, Amy Shouldis
Last viewed by administrator 3/29/2022