Welcome to the USNA Parent Clubs
History of USNA Parent Clubs
Many years ago, the Candidate Guidance Office at the United States Naval Academy recognized that the right kind of parental guidance could help to ensure the success of a Midshipman. The Office felt that the development of this guidance could be best accomplished by uniting parents of Midshipmen to form a Parents Club in each area. The main purpose of a Parents Club would be for informational guidance and support with a lesser emphasis on social activities. The Academy, the Alumni Association and the Midshipmen themselves approved this concept.
In April of 1973, under the guidance of Tom Teshara, West Coast Regional Director of the Blue and Gold Program at the Naval Academy, the first Parents Club was formed in the San Francisco Bay Area (now known as the U.S. Naval Academy Parents Club of Northern California). Since then, the concept of Parent Clubs have spread across the country and Clubs, some of which are joint service academy clubs, now spread across the continental US, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. At the request of the Superintendent, the Naval Academy Alumni Association administers all Parent Clubs.
The Naval Academy Parents Club of West Virginia, Inc., was established in July of 2020 and is dedicated to the support of current Mountain State United States Naval Academy Midshipmen and their parents. Our Club is open to graduates, parents, grandparents or guardians of past and present Midshipmen of the United States Naval Academy and the United States Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS); and, the Blue and Gold Officers interested in supporting our mission.
Why the Need for Parent Clubs?
Sending a son or daughter to the Naval Academy or to any Service Academy is quite different from sending them off to a regular college or university. The phone calls parents receive from a new Plebe are not the same kind of phone call that parents of other college students receive. New Midshipmen can be discouraged and afraid that they are not able to live up to the demands placed upon them at the Naval Academy.
Parent Clubs offer a wonderful source of support and encouragement, particularly for the parents of a new Plebe. After a son or daughter has survived Plebe Summer, parents feel more comfortable about their Midshipman and can begin to enjoy the pride they feel at having a son or daughter at the Naval Academy. What better way to share these experiences than with other parents who feel the same way.
Membership has its rewards!
The membership year is June 1 to May 31 each calendar year. If you are a new member or a current member renewing your membership, please print and complete the form below and send with payment to NAPC of WV, 213 Hale Street, Charleston, WV 25301, OR you can visit our Purchase Club Merchandise page to pay online. You may email the Club at wvusnaparents@gmail.com with questions. And follow us on our Facebook page for more information. It is a closed group, so you will need to answer a few questions and agree to the group rules to be admitted.
On behalf of the Naval Academy Parents Club of West Virginia welcome to our Navy Family!
Go Navy, Beat Army!
– Erika Bailey, President
Last viewed by administrator 3/29/2022